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viernes, 25 de marzo de 2016

Seventh session.

1-      - Check the homework (“How did you feel?” “How did the other person react?” “How did you plan everything?” Etc) and quizz about the songs and trailers and videos we have been watching this week.
Time estimated: 30 minutes.

2-      - We are going to create music.
Two friends of mine play instruments and they are really exciting with the idea of coming and play for the seniors. They will have drums or sticks for making music with them.
Time estimated: 50 minutes.

3-      - Request time.
Play some of the videos and songs of the last time and discussion for preparing the following one.
Time estimated: 15 minutes.

4-     -  Personal farewell and homework: “Dreams of my life I achieved and dreams I have to see fulfillment”.
Time estimated: 15 minutes.

Time total: 1 hour 50 minutes.

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