- Blind bug:
My artwork is about our perception of people. It tries to be a criticism of our way of connecting people.
We have 5 senses for relating each other: smelling, tasting, looking, hearing and touching. We only use two of them in the moment of meeting new people, and this way I think we miss a big part of our selves. We haven't developed the potential of these senses for communicating in a more plenty way, therefore we are limited to two senses which ones are, in my opinion, totally manipulated by the society. Our prejudices and rules determinate behaviours and distance between people. I am tired of feeling judge.
I have try to create a safety place where two unknown people could meet each other without our boring and conventional first talk, and without our pre.stablish concepts of beauty, class, etc. I think people will feel the freedom of this and they will be liberated of fears and shames.
We also have the touching sense as a way of bothering people, but it can perfectly be a support for understanding better each other. It is seem like crazy kissing each other, but it is one of the most universal representation of love (and if lovers, friends and families kiss each others, why not can we try to generalize this method to other representation of affection? i.e: admiration, comfortable, etc).
I think our relationships could we strengthen and deeper (true) if we are aware about all this manipulation and these opportunities of freshers ways. In the interviews of my project, people seem to be concious of the first part, but what about the second one? Most of the interviewees also claimed that they felt how their way of looking the other volunteer was changing during the experiment (in which ones they could see each other but not to talk). All of them told me that they didn't perceived touching as something invasive (we only have to think in blind people and their use of the sense of touching). We can re learn most of our methods of feeling people (and I think it should be necessary and healthier). As an example we can think in blind and deaf people, in the way they raise their other senses and they achieve such a great development for relating. Probably, someone blind will know too much about our voices and modulation, the feelings in them, textures, tunes etc. In the same way, someone deaf will be too much concious about what he/she is looking at and the use of the other senses.
I only ask for freedom of expression and developing of alternative ways of connecting for better and evolved relationships between us.
- Reflection for the two artworks:
Expression. I am absolutely engaged with this cause and problem: our lack of communication and expression, Why in our adulthood we only use talking as a method of communication? Children use dancing, singing, drawing, and many other forms for expressing themselves and their feelings. You can know when they are happy without asking. But it is only intuition, and we never care about developing these ways of expression.
I believe in painting as an equal and acceptable way of expression. Children are encourage to learn and develop writing skills, but they don't usually be support in terms of acting, singing, sculpting... there are so many possibilities for having a deeper understanding between us, and we don't take advantage of it.
We are totally separated for language. If two people don't speak the same language, they don't believe they could understand each other. Why it has to be this way? Why don't we try to use other languages, more universal and we work on them? I think we are missing a really big opportunity right here, where you never have to care about gaps and obstacles, only to be aware of these other opportunities.
I think is time of recognition of all these things inside human beings and try to get further on them.
- Isolation project:
This project is about our elders role in our society. Why do we apart them so much in elders home's? Don't we know that depression in an old people's home can increase? They spend too much time alone for our busy lives, but what kind of role they can have in them?
Old people can be active, they can learn new things and feel alive. They can help us, teach our children and youngest. They can also follow their passions and develop new skills and work as a volunteers (gardening, playing and instrument, new gadgets etc). They should have to be able to enjoy their real free time, after a whole life working.
However, they are other ones lees fortunate who have a physical or psychological problems, and for them (and everyone) I firmly believe in the power of art therapy. As I have previously said, we could develop ourselves in terms of communicating in many other ways. There is something therapeutic in mixing colours, touching different materials, having a dirty hands, to got closer to the nature... Let our mind fly and being again a little bit more like children, Enjoy music and try to create it, etc.
I have prepared many sessions for a group of seniors with dementia. I would like to remark: this is not only for disease people, it can be a good exercise for everyone, a good opportunity for going out home, being friendly and feeling lees isolated and more connected.
I thought that old people could be a good group for working with, because they usually suffer from depression, isolation and some diseases. Anyway, it will be helping for people watching the difference between a session (where they enjoy the exercises and have a friendly time) and a lonely day of an isolated senior. I want to make people think about it and encourage them about volunteer and the change we can make between us, I also want people to see their capacity and attitude, how they can learn and produce new things.
In my two projects I have tried to add a social charge, even when I think it is something really difficult to achieve. I hope everyone enjoy them and think about possible changes in our society and relationships.
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